One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing® is one of four special mission offerings of the United Church of Christ. This Lenten Offering supports the disaster, refugee, and development ministries of the United Church of Christ within Love of Neighbor.
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Make the donation to: West Center Congregational Church
101 Pondfield Road West Bronxville, NY 10708
God of love and Peace
Cobb Elementary School
We come before you with a broken spirit and contrite heart. The pain we experience is so heavy that we do not know who to lean on. We are sure you will embrace us and drench us with your grace and compassion. In this world, instead of experiencing love we see anger and frustration everywhere. We see more discriminations than tolerance and oneness. Sometimes we feel we have failed in our responsibility to create a safe and loving environment for the young people. It is so unfortunate, in our country, many have easy access to weapons. There is a danger and uncertainty everywhere, please intervene in the minds of the leaders so that they work to establish harmony among all people.
We uplift the grieving families of nineteen innocent children and two teachers who have lost their lives in a classroom. You are a God of comfort, and we ask you to embrace the family members and provide them assurance that you are with them in this tragedy.
As members of The West Center Congregational Church, we join with everyone in this country, asking you to take away the hatred, especially among young people. Take away the fear from the children as they leave their home to school, protect them under your wings and bring them back safely to their homes. We request you to establish peace and love among people. We ask you to bring an end to this type of violence that cause destruction and pain to your creation.
Lord Jesus you have gone through pain and suffering when you were on the cross for our sins. We know your heart will bleed after seeing the massacre that happened in the classroom of the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. God let your presence lead us and guide us in this difficult time. We pray for the healing of the children who are hurt and are in hospital. We pray for the counselors who are giving assurance to the other children who watched this horrifying event. We pray for the family members, parents who have lost their child, siblings who lost their dear ones, for spouses who lost their spouses. And we pray for all those who are involved in providing peace, comfort, care and healing to the school, community and to the state. Amen
We uplift the grieving families of nineteen innocent children and two teachers who have lost their lives in a classroom. You are a God of comfort, and we ask you to embrace the family members and provide them assurance that you are with them in this tragedy.
As members of The West Center Congregational Church, we join with everyone in this country, asking you to take away the hatred, especially among young people. Take away the fear from the children as they leave their home to school, protect them under your wings and bring them back safely to their homes. We request you to establish peace and love among people. We ask you to bring an end to this type of violence that cause destruction and pain to your creation.
Lord Jesus you have gone through pain and suffering when you were on the cross for our sins. We know your heart will bleed after seeing the massacre that happened in the classroom of the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. God let your presence lead us and guide us in this difficult time. We pray for the healing of the children who are hurt and are in hospital. We pray for the counselors who are giving assurance to the other children who watched this horrifying event. We pray for the family members, parents who have lost their child, siblings who lost their dear ones, for spouses who lost their spouses. And we pray for all those who are involved in providing peace, comfort, care and healing to the school, community and to the state. Amen
Peace and Blessings
Rev. Dr. Christopher Ponnuraj
Rev. Dr. Christopher Ponnuraj
O God, We’ve Prayed in Wind and Rain
(sung to the tune of Amazing Grace)
O God, we’ve prayed in wind and rain and now we pray once more
For those who felt the hurricane and heard the waters roar.
We pray for those who watched the storm destroy the life they knew,
Who wait in shelters, tired and worn, and wonder what to do.
We thank you, God, for acts of love not bound by race or creed,
For hands that reach across the flood to all who are in need.
We pray for others far away who’ve seen destruction, too;
We look beyond ourselves, for they are also loved by you.
We pray that leaders of our land will heed creation’s cry,
And bravely care and take a stand for earth and sea and sky.
For those who felt the hurricane and heard the waters roar.
We pray for those who watched the storm destroy the life they knew,
Who wait in shelters, tired and worn, and wonder what to do.
We thank you, God, for acts of love not bound by race or creed,
For hands that reach across the flood to all who are in need.
We pray for others far away who’ve seen destruction, too;
We look beyond ourselves, for they are also loved by you.
We pray that leaders of our land will heed creation’s cry,
And bravely care and take a stand for earth and sea and sky.
To read our former Pastor John's sermon click on title below.
Hymn for Haiti Relief
In Haiti, There is Anguish
ST. CHRISTOPHER (“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”)
In Haiti, there is anguish that seems too much to bear;
A land so used to sorrow now knows even more despair.
From city streets, the cries of grief rise up to hills above;
In all the sorrow, pain and death, where are you, God of love?
A woman sifts through rubble, a man has lost his home,
A hungry, orphaned toddler sobs, for she is now alone.
Where are you, Lord, when thousands die—the rich, the poorest poor?
Were you the very first to cry for all that is no more?
O God, you love your children; you hear each lifted prayer!
May all who suffer in that land know you are present there.
In moments of compassion shown, in simple acts of grace,
May those in pain find healing balm, and know your love’s embrace.
Where are you in the anguish? Lord, may we hear anew
That anywhere your world cries out, you’re there-- and suffering, too.
And may we see, in others’ pain, the cross we’re called to bear;
Send out your church in Jesus’ name to pray, to serve, to share.
Tune: Frederick Charles Maker, 1881
Text: Copyright © 2010 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Permission is given for use by those who support Church World Service.
In Haiti, There is Anguish
ST. CHRISTOPHER (“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”)
In Haiti, there is anguish that seems too much to bear;
A land so used to sorrow now knows even more despair.
From city streets, the cries of grief rise up to hills above;
In all the sorrow, pain and death, where are you, God of love?
A woman sifts through rubble, a man has lost his home,
A hungry, orphaned toddler sobs, for she is now alone.
Where are you, Lord, when thousands die—the rich, the poorest poor?
Were you the very first to cry for all that is no more?
O God, you love your children; you hear each lifted prayer!
May all who suffer in that land know you are present there.
In moments of compassion shown, in simple acts of grace,
May those in pain find healing balm, and know your love’s embrace.
Where are you in the anguish? Lord, may we hear anew
That anywhere your world cries out, you’re there-- and suffering, too.
And may we see, in others’ pain, the cross we’re called to bear;
Send out your church in Jesus’ name to pray, to serve, to share.
Tune: Frederick Charles Maker, 1881
Text: Copyright © 2010 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Permission is given for use by those who support Church World Service.